
How to Create a Page

Go to Pages and select Add New. Give your page an appropriate description and save it. Pay attention at the names of your page titles because they are visible on different places at your site. Think about the breadcrumb and the title block. Don’t use too long names for your pages. Your design will be less nice. Besides that, your page description is important how to be found in search engines.

You are ready to design your page now. There are several features to design your pages, which you can reed at section 5 I Screen page options in the manual.

Don’t forget to reed section 18 I How to use Shortcodes in the manual.

The SEO module offers the possibility to add page titles quick and easy, Meta descriptions, and Meta keywords. You also can place a background image alt without installing an extra plugin. Read more about the module at section: 6 I SEO built-in Module in the manual. If you use this module, your website will be better found in search engines.

Screen gives you the possibility to add a contact form on every page of your website to enlarge the marketing tool ‘’Call to action’’. Reed more about the contact form at section 7 I How to create a contact form in the manual.

Next you will come at the section Grace option and also the question ‘Grace this page’. This feature gives you the possibility to provide a slider or video at the page you choose. Except the width you can define the height of the slider or video yourself. Reed more about the slider at section 8 I Grace the slider with 450+ transitions in the manual.

After you followed these steps go to Menus and add your page at the header and / or at the footer menu. Reed more at section 14 I How to create a Header and Footer menu in the manual.